July 30, 2002
Sic Transit My Shoes

I must have done something to it a while back, because today my shoe broke in half. I literally walked away from the heel and limped a step or two before I realized half my shoe was still on the sidewalk behind me.

"Boy, that must be bad," said a helpful passerby when I went back and picked it up. I could only agree as I stood there staring at it, my heel sans shoe.

Getting home was a problem. Luckily the heel was low enough that I could tiptoe along on one side. It seemed to work, at least from the front, but from the side I looked a right idiot.

Looking at the remnants of my shoe, I could see that its innards looked mostly like layers of cardboard. It's not my favorite shoe--when I wear it, I have to wear tape around certain toes to keep from getting blisters--but I felt sad that it came apart so easily.

Many things in life are fragile, I know. But I never figured my shoes to be one of them.

And so I limped to the train, slightly unsteady. And my thoughts were a little sadder, a little more tinged with formless regret, than they had been earlier.

Links of note:
Portage: Stuff Worth Saving is a Weblog warehouse of cultural artifacts and some nice images. Very cool.

OK, it's not the most original idea in the world, but I read every word of these kids' stories at Homeless Week, wherein two Seattle guys keep a blog of a week of being homeless. Yes, utter destitution, with a digital camera. (via OJR)

And last but not least, thanks to Mr. Cozy and MFH and Jason for making me feel so welcome in the Bay Area last week. So long guys, and thanks for all the fried clams!

Posted at July 30, 2002 09:49 PM

I don't like high heal shoes either!!!

Posted by: clark on July 30, 2002 10:23 PM
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