May 23, 2005

KJ Gardens 2005: A Running Start

The gardening has been a bit behind schedule this year, what with dodgy weather and the storage space cleaning project detailed here. But we are off to a great start.

Had good luck plant shopping (we are on a meager condo association budget) at Home Depot on a windy, cool Friday night. On Saturday the weather was fine, however, and I got started with a palette of petunia, coleus, New Guinea impatiens, and various foliage like potato vines.

Containers on the West side of the building. Everything looks tiny and tenuous here, but we'll see.

On the East side of the building, last year's purple sage and hosta are on fire. Although I pruned them thoroughly last fall, the sage plants have already grown to last year's full size.

Honestly, I have not done a thing here.

I think I'll like this one a lot, assuming the coleus do well.

Henry James wrote a book called Daisy Miller. I wish there had been a sequel about her brother, Dusty.

Hostas spring eternal.
In the eternally problematic center bed, I have pinned my hopes on two nice-looking hosta. Filled in with a few New Guinea impatiens, which we had great luck with in 2002 and indifferent luck ever since.

This silver vine, which I can't remember the name of, came back with a vengeance this year. I cut it back somewhat and added a few things to duke it out therein.

Full speed ahead with petunias.
They did well in this very spot last year.

Speaking of doing well...
The pulmonaria in the dark, mossy West bed has come back with a vengeance. I may well try a third in the space where the silver dragon did not return.

Let's hope for a good year!

Posted at May 23, 2005 07:00 PM | az