January 18, 2007
iPhone Tone Simulation

Looks like it's now incredibly easy to get the iPhone's ringtone (or a midi approximation of it) onto your non-iPhone device.

On the Treo, it's as easy as navigating to


using the inbuilt web browser. The Treo will prompt to save and voila! Nice and clean new ringtone.

OK, it's not as nice as an iPhone, but for the moment, it sounds better. And by not giving your telco money for ringtones (I'm looking at you, teenagers!), you can save the cash to get the iPhone (or iPhone ][, depending on how conservative you play it)....

A tip of the hat to Daring Fireball for the link... And to the creators of the midi file too...

Posted by esinclai at 10:31 PM
January 01, 2007
Uncle Billy

Late last year, my Uncle Bill died after a brief - but too long - struggle with cancer. AZ and I were fortunate to be able to visit him in our October trip to Texas, though we had strong hopes it wouldn't be the last.

My Uncle Carroll has started updating Bill's weblog with pictures of Bill through the years. A nice way to remember.

Posted by esinclai at 05:33 PM