September 10, 1999
Tim O'Reilly Q and A

Tim O'Reilly Q and A at Slashdot is an interesting read. Pick Quote: "Nobody ever got fired for using Open Source".

Posted by esinclai at 01:50 PM
September 08, 1999
On the heels of having

On the heels of having seen Eric Rohmer's Autumn Tale over the weekend (brief summary - pleasant, a light french film), this article from the NY Times on Ancient Wines was a piece of some interest.

Posted by esinclai at 08:46 AM
September 07, 1999
New Python-URL available for reading.

New Python-URL available for reading. Resource listings and discussions from comp.lang.python.

Posted by esinclai at 10:24 PM
Thanks to the IMPP mailing

Thanks to the IMPP mailing list, I ran across the Linux Scalability Project. Interesting stuff they're doing, particularly for those of us in mixed-use environments.

Posted by esinclai at 10:17 PM
Current Lingua Franca has a

Current Lingua Franca has a listing of the breakthrough Graphic Design books by several authors.

Posted by esinclai at 01:09 PM
Picks from 6 September New

Picks from 6 September New Yorker: a hilarious Jack Handey piece, and a compelling read on Balthus.

Posted by esinclai at 09:54 AM
Odd, somewhat mean-spirited, but entertaining,

Odd, somewhat mean-spirited, but entertaining, column by Greil Marcus from Salon.

Posted by esinclai at 07:23 AM
September 05, 1999
New Weekly Breakdown available. --------

New Weekly Breakdown available.

Posted by esinclai at 05:03 PM
September 04, 1999
Recent filmic experience: Mystery Men.

Recent filmic experience: Mystery Men. Entertaining, a many-chortle film. And it was great to see Paul Reubens in fine form again. Certainly worth a matinee price (but I can never make the cheap showings any more for some reason...

Posted by esinclai at 05:00 PM
Ref'd on the vacuum weblog

Ref'd on the vacuum weblog is a nice review of the Tufte seminar.

Posted by esinclai at 04:56 PM
New Vacuum is out, and

New Vacuum is out, and well worth the time to read.

Posted by esinclai at 04:49 PM
Current Paper Readings: Open Sources:

Current Paper Readings: Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution, and Uncommon Ground: The History of Coffee and How it Transformed Our World. Both are interesting social studies, albeit from different sides of the societal coin. [musingly, it could be argued that the shade-tree coffee growing idea is a similar social reflection to Red Hat's work, though if you called me on it, I probably couldn't justify such a statement!]

And the usual rereading of the Camel...

Posted by esinclai at 04:46 PM
Interesting scraping discussion at userland.

Interesting scraping discussion at userland.

Posted by esinclai at 04:24 PM
Starting a weblog using

Starting a weblog using which undoubtably has some sort of failing that will not evince itself until I try it out...

Posted by esinclai at 04:21 PM