December 21, 2005
I'm Still watching... They're still shipping...

Over the years I've become accustomed to watching various projects as they morph and develop.

I've discussed in the past my interest in the Open Source Application Foundation, in part because the Chandler project would appear to be an interesting idea - reforming the ways we think of our personal data is a GoodThing, and changing or morphing the ways we can interact with and share this data is compelling.

I'm also, of course, intrigued with the open work styles of the OSAF, as I am with most 'open group' work styles. How they decide what to share and what to ruminate upon before sharing is always interesting. OSAF has done a nice job of this - publicising via a group weblog opening up their local irc and wiki for public view under many circumstances.

My own startup experience was on the 'no sharing unless it is PR' side of the arrangement, which I always found a bit grating (if understandable, particularly in hindsight, as a good part of the corporate strategy depended on customer list discretion and IP) and still question. Of course, I also find confidence in discovering my own failures, which is something few companies have the wherewithal to do. So kudos to OSAF on taking a stand of ship often with warnings.

This is a longwinded way of dancing around a deeper post to point out that OSAF shipped Chandler 0.6 yesterday, which incorporates a nice bunch of usable (!) features, including CalDAV support, a workable GUI, and a lot of changes. It's big though - the installed OSX bundle is 181MB. Hope a lot of that is debugging code, 'cause we're never going to get a PDA endpoint at these sizes! More news after I spin it around a bit.

(Ted Leung of OSAF has some notes of Chandler announcement as well)

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Posted by esinclai at December 21, 2005 06:41 AM |

Yeah, the Chandler version is supposed to be pretty good, but I'm waiting for the Joey update. Or maybe the Monica.

Posted by: Anne on December 21, 2005 09:26 PM
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