April 20, 2004

This evening I spent a part of my time trying to convince AZ that one of the greatest bands, ever, is The Clash.

This on the heels of my recent noting that Jimmy Guterman is pulling together a Sandinista tribute (and yes, I misspelled his last name the first time around, since corrected).

Then today BoingBoing brings to my attention a bootleg (aka mashup) tribute to London Calling, entitled London Booted - A tribute to the Clash. Many tracks to download, but promising indeed.

Honest. One of the greatest. Ever, even with the shaky credibility attributable to a reading of Marcus Gray, they run well beyond the human flaws.

Posted by esinclai at April 20, 2004 09:49 PM |

Glad you saw this, cuz I was gonna have to point it out.

The Clash and Give 'Em Enough Rope are the one's I'd take to a desert island, for sure. London Calling is solid and introduced me to many things (such as Lloyd Price, and therefore, American folk music). Sandinista also introduced me to many things, such as the concept of editing. In the end, though, I treasure each one of those tracks.

Posted by: mike whybark on April 20, 2004 10:25 PM


The dreaded apostrophe error! KILL IT! KILL IT!

How in God's name did I type such a thing? Must be some issue with the commenting program. Yeah, that's it.

Posted by: mike whybark on April 20, 2004 10:27 PM

And yet one mention of Big Audio Dynamite and I was laughed out of the kitchen.

Posted by: Anne on April 21, 2004 12:52 PM

Well, see, Mick - Joe = silly. I mean, it's obvious, innit?

Posted by: mike whybark on April 21, 2004 12:55 PM
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