May 10, 2003

Not the song....

So Ben Hammersley announced that Blogging Hacks is available for preorder now from Amazon. Curious, I sneak on over to check it out.

OK, so I'm likely to order this puppy. But have I been in a stupor for a week and missed this newest addition to Amazon's cross-product-multi-linking? Is this the Google tie-in that was written up in the press last week?

And why isn't sixapart on this bandwagon?

Posted by esinclai at May 10, 2003 10:33 AM |

sixapart will be crushed! Google smash!

God I hope not.

Dave, "extremely popular"?

Are you SURE?

Macej seems to be reporting numbers atvariance with your claim.

Posted by: mike on May 10, 2003 09:11 PM

INteresing. It sure could use some improvements though - I went to Amazon to lookup reviews of the book "Lipstick Traces", which is about punk and pop culture. I got "Customers who are interested in this are also interested in..." and named three different types of lipstick.

Umm, not quite.

Posted by: brian on May 12, 2003 10:49 AM

Apparently radio userland has better publicity than sixapart. I was at the CUE conference this weekend (sidenote: where I attended a session about squeak and they were shocked I'd heard of it). I ran into the tech director at a school district using radio userland who pointed out how inexpensive it is. I countered with moveable type being free and she was surprised and wanted more info as did other people. I wonder how much of the publicity differential has to do with Dave Winer out there talking all the time.

Posted by: Michelle on May 20, 2003 01:31 PM
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