August 30, 2005
City of New Orleans

For the last two days I have been haunting for its updates and photos of the recent hurricane, particularly in New Orleans. Weather bug Mike has also been keeping track of the news, as well as the whereabouts of some former Bloomingtonians who moved there.

Personal asides:
The last time I went to New Orleans, in 2001, I spent a lot of time walking around the French Quarter in the early morning, listening to Teenage Fanclub. And had a lovely dinner with coworkers in a restaurant (name forgotten) with a courtyard. And had beignets with a friend at Cafe du Monde. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures.

The first time I visited, 10 years ago, I saw the Royal Pendletons and apparently insulted my hosts beyond words by bringing my own washcloth (a long story; yet after that visit, they never spoke to me again. Wonder if they got out?). I took some horribly overexposed photographs that will not be reprinted here.

And in between, E. and I went there on our "honeymoon" (a month after the wedding) in 1998. That's where I took the famous "Fried Ergs" photo seen here.

I suppose they meant Friedbergs. But isn't this more fun? Sigh.

Posted at August 30, 2005 07:37 PM

I spoke with Matt U. on the phone the nigt before the hurricane - he was expecting Mike Hurtt and others, and has since mentioned in his LJ that Mike and party arrived safely. Haven't heard from him since the floods hit though. I'm sure they, like Bart and Christy, have their hands (and heads and hearts) full right now.

Posted by: mike on August 30, 2005 11:37 PM
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