April 12, 2004
Write Hear, Write Now

From "Borges in Indiana":
A Student in Front of the Von Lee Theater on Kirkwood Watching Bees Collect Around the Trash Bin There Attracted by the Dried Syrup of Spilled Cola
I told him: Careful. Bees.

Passerbys contemplate this graffiti on the front of the now-shuttered Von Lee Theater in Bloomington.

When I lived in town there were two movie theaters on the main drag downtown. Now, thanks to the local corporate movie monopoly, one is closed and the other has been renovated to become a community theater that occasionally shows old movies.

IMHO, it's a cultural badge of shame for my old hometown, and many people, like this pen-wielding ranter, are still upset. There's no mistaking his point, but alas, he's written on the wrong theater. The Indiana Theater (now Buskirk-Chumley) is right down the street.

Posted at April 12, 2004 09:15 PM

Jesus H. Cristo!

Es muy, muy bien, si!

That Borges thing was clearly written by someone who has done their homework. Was there such an event?

Posted by: mike whybark on April 12, 2004 11:51 PM

I did the homework. It really happened, it seems. Maybe twice.

Posted by: mike whybark on April 13, 2004 10:21 AM
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