March 08, 2004
Pig, Poultry, Peel

Hey, free pig photos here! Aww, how cute. And yet their sheer numbers evoke the corporate chill of AgroPigIndustrial Worldwide Inc. All those pink snouts and ears, brought to you by Schering-Plough et al.

There's also a sister site for the humble chicken. But frankly, poultry is not as cute. No one calls their lovable spouse a poultry-related nickname. (See, by contrast, John Peel.) There is, however, a nice omelette related recipe here.

More on Pig and Peel.

Posted at March 08, 2004 07:25 PM

Hi, I am kaalidasan from India. I am planing to start a pig poultry in india.

Posted by: Kaalidasan on September 9, 2004 11:25 PM

Dear Sir,

The same wish i also have about pig poultry, I dont know how to start the pig poultry business in Maharashtra. Wher to get the knwoledge about this product? CAn you guide me for the same please?

Posted by: amit on December 27, 2004 10:46 AM

Dear commenters,

This is not a site about agriculture. If you are interested in finding information about the poultry business, you will have to look elsewhere. Sorry.

In this post the "pig" referred to was the late DJ John Peel's nickname for his wife.

Posted by: Anne on December 27, 2004 01:32 PM
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