October 22, 2002
Nubs of the Past

I've been listening to "Nevermind" while doing the dishes this week. It's good dish-doing music. Tonight Eric reminded me that Kurt Cobain is on the cover of Newsweek this week. Ten years ago Kurt was at the height of his fame. Where was I 10 years ago? In a very different place. This week we present three snapshots from one weekend in October 1992.

Had an hour-long conversation with coworker S., who in his way was somewhat of an anthropologist. Although he wasn't any older than I was, he professed to know nothing of our city's "alternative" culture and took an avuncular interest in my stories. He described himself as a "raver" although the dances he described didn't sound anything like the raves I had heard of. At any rate, it was difficult trying to sum up my world without sounding self-righteous or condescending. Finally, I told him hip kids "don't want to look different from each other. They just want to look different from you."

Oddly, he was surprised that I was from the suburbs.

More tomorrow....

Posted at October 22, 2002 09:49 PM