September 19, 2002

Four years ago today, Eric and I got married. Here’s a snapshot of that long, happy day:

It’s such a weird time right before the ceremony. My family and bridesmaid and I were shut away in a little room on the side while 75 of our friends and family were seated. I couldn’t sit down because I might wrinkle my dress, and no one had much to say, because we were waiting.

And then we could hear the music start. We all assembled in the hallway just outside the door. Off went my mother, to be seated in a place of honor. Then N. went, with a smile. Then my dad and I waited.

I was excited to get married. But I was so nervous at the prospect of marching down the aisle in front of everyone I knew that I could barely stand up. I waited for my dad to offer some words of wisdom.

What he said was something like “Remember to smile.” Huh? “At our wedding, your mother was so nervous, I don’t think she smiled until the reception.”

(Pictures of their wedding show this may have been one of his characteristic exaggerations.)

It was time to go. I took his arm and held on to the flowers. “And I wanted to kill that photographer,” he muttered, and off we went.

And we smiled the whole day long.

Posted at September 19, 2002 05:12 PM

congratulations to you both! I had forgotten that it was today. My dad's birthday is the 18th.

Posted by: Mike on September 19, 2002 07:39 PM

and Oh!

since it's right here on my wall:

Go seek her out all courteously,
And I say come,
Wind of spices whose song is ever
O hurry over the dark lands
And run upon the sea
For seas and land shall not divide us
My love and me.

Now, wind, of your good courtesy
I pray you go,
And come into her little garden
And sing at her window,
Singing: The bridal wind is blowing,
For Love is at his noon;
And soon will your true love be with you,
Soon, O soon.

Poem 13, Chamber Music, James Joyce


and may I say "damn you, epithalamium!"

what a hard word to say.

Posted by: Mike on September 19, 2002 07:49 PM

You looked beautiful! I actually just came across a photo of you I took when you were walking down the was the only photo I took at your wedding, I think, because I was concentrating on meeting people and eating stuff and conversing and I just forgot. Then for some reason, Mark and I took a million pictures of the soapbox derby cars or whatever they call them, that were racing around the square. And I also snapped a photo of our friend B.R. with a clown.

Happy anniversary!

Posted by: Laurie on September 19, 2002 10:10 PM

I knew about the soapbox derby...someone gave us some pictures of it. Maybe BR himself? But I did NOT know about the clown. Sounds hilarious.

Posted by: Anne on September 20, 2002 09:18 AM
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